How to Write an Instagram Bio for Realtors

When you go to write your Instagram bio, you have 150 characters to convey who you are, what you offer, all while making it interesting enough to hook your target audience in and make them care.

Here is a simple guide to crafting your Instagram bio as a realtor in just a few minutes.

Breakdown of Your Instagram Bio

Your Instagram bio for real estate is the top portion of your Instagram feed.

In your bio, you have 150 characters

Above your bio you have your account name. Your name is not the same as your Username, which is what people follow and use the @ symbol to tag you. 

  • If your username is something branded like “Leslie’s Homes,” make sure to include your actual name and applicable title (ex. realtor) in the name section. For example, “Leslie Brocksmith, Raleigh Realtor Serving Investors”

  • The name on your account is now searchable (as of April 14, 2022) so you want to make sure you’re packing it with keywords that your ideal clients would be searching when looking for a Realtor who provides what you provide.

  • In your bio, there are four lines of text that will display before you have to click “more” to view the whole thing. You want to have all of your important info in those top four lines to make sure it’s seen every time.

  • You can include links back to other accounts and clickable hashtags in your Instagram bio

    • This is where you can include the brokerage you’re at by tagging their account. 

    • Hashtags can be used to further emphasize something or filter your own posts. For example, if you do a lot of open houses you could include in your bio - “See Sunday’s Open Houses in Raleigh-  #LesliesOpenHouses.” 

    • You could also say, “get tips for real estate investing in Raleigh at #LesliesInvestorTips.” That way, when they click the hashtag, it sorts to your posts with this hashtag. The trick here is that you want to use a unique branded hashtag that nobody else is using. You can check this by first doing a quick search in Instagram.

  • Visually, you can also include emojis to break up your bio or draw your attention to a specific part of your bio. 

    • If emojis do not fit in with your brand, don’t include them. You don’t want to overdo it.

  • The bottom of your bio has room for a clickable website link. You can add and edit this the “edit profile” section

    • Here are some best practices for adding a link to your bio:

      • Always link over to your own personal sites. If you link over to your Zillow profile or listing link, you run the risk of users stumbling upon another realtor on one of the search sites

        • Make sure you are linking to your own landing page that you own if you are looking to include multiple links that are reachable through the single link in your bio. This way, you own the content, If you use a service like Linktree, you do not own that page and are susceptible to crashes or errors in their system.

      • You can also use the fourth line of your bio to give info about what your website link is all about and encourage them to click on it.

      • You can change this up for specific Calls to Action, such as “download my first-time home buyer guide checklist.”

Example of an Optimized Instagram Bio

Example of Completed Instagram Bio

Follow These Guidelines

If you’re using your Instagram for the purpose of marketing yourself in real estate, make the following clear: 

-That you’re a realtor and your location

-What unique service/experience you provide

-How you serve

-Your contact info

-Your desired website link

TIP: Make sure you use vocabulary that the general public understands. They are your target audience and you will not be approachable if you’re using industry jargon.

For example, if you say you’re a “mulit-million dollar producer in Raleigh,” that’s a great accomplishment, but those outside of real estate may not know/care what that is. You can add in posts about your accomplishments, but your bio is your elevator pitch. You should be showing your VALUE and what unique experience you provide.

From there you can add some creativity with information about your personal branding.

Packing so much info into such a tiny space may seem difficult, but, at the end of the day, you want people to know how you can help them. Think about your target audience. Would they be interested in following you and doing business with you?

A Template For You To Follow

Here is an easy template to follow when crafting your Instagram bio:  

Name: Agent Name- (your location) Realtor -OR-

Agent Name- Realtor serving Investors in the (your location)

Line 1: How you serve

Line 2: Experience and value you provide

Line 3: Call to action

Line 4: Freebie or lead magnet mention

Link: Website that correlates with lead magnet or call to action

Note the use of emojis and line breaks to make it interesting. You could also add hashtags and other accounts in the bio as well.

The most important thing to remember about your Instagram bio is that it needs to be immediately clear who you are, what you do, and how you can help your target audience.

Don’t make people dig through your profile to find out you are a real estate agent or exactly where you’re located. We want your Instagram bio to further affirm that you’re somebody your ideal customer would want to follow. We also want to give them an idea of what to expect from you and the type of content that you post.

If you are struggling with what to post on Instagram once you have your bio set up, check out my Free List of 50 Instagram Posts for Realtors!

Keep in mind, bios are easy to change. Feel free to switch it up and change it depending on your current promotions and real estate marketing efforts.

Here is how to change it.

Step 1: Log in to your Instagram account.

Step 2: Go to your profile and click “Edit Profile”

Step 3: Enter your new information and bio.

Step 4: Save.

I hope this info was helpful for setting up your Instagram bio as a realtor. If you have any questions, please reach out and we can schedule a free discovery call!

In need of social media post ideas? Download our free list!

This post is current as of April 14, 2022.