Why Scrolling Through Social Media is Bad for Your Marketing Strategy


We’ve all done it. Wake up, grab your phone and start mindlessly scrolling. Not our proudest moment, but seems mostly harmless, right?

Wrong. When it comes to your social media marketing strategy, you don’t want to get overwhelmed by consuming content from other accounts. Here are a few reasons why you should stop the scroll:

  1. When you are constantly scrolling and consuming content, it’s easy to move your eye off the prize. You want to be strategizing and putting energy into your own, unique content. Don’t let what others post sway your clear cut vision you have for yourself.

  2. Checking out your competitors’ strategies does not help you with yours. Firstly, copying someone else’s content does not work. They are not you. You do not offer the same experiences to the same people. Even if you are very similar, watching their content can lead to unnecessary comparison, which is the thief of joy.
    There is a time and place for strategic competitor analysis, but that involves much more than investigating their posts.

  3. Wasting time scrolling is time you could be enjoying your morning and starting the day with a clear mind. If you feel the need to do work-related tasks first thing, pop on a real estate podcast while you brew your coffee and run through your morning.

If you find yourself feeling marketing burnout, check out this article with our tips on how to combat it.

If you’re sick and tired of putting time and effort into your social media presence and then having the content not feel exactly “like you”, send us a quick message. We will send you a discovery questionnaire so we can get to the root of your marketing pain points ASAP.

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